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How Do I Know My Parent Needs Assisted Living?

How Do I Know My Parent Needs Assisted Living?

How Do I Know My Parent Needs Assisted Living?

Determining the exact time that your aging parents can no longer fully care for themselves is a difficult process. While assisted living is a great option for many elderly Americans, there are certain stigmas involved with not being able to fully care for one’s self. The discussion often comes down to a matter of pride as it’s only natural for a loved one to be afraid to admit they need help.

With that in mind, adults with aging parents are often responsible for convincing their loved ones to consider assisted living. There are plenty of obvious and not so obvious signs that your loved one may need assistance with day to day living. The following are just some of the signs to look for if you think your parent may need help.

Big Picture Signs

Accidents – This can include falls, medical scares, and even car accidents. Close calls should also be cause for concern.

Health Conditions – Worsening chronic conditions including dementia, congestive heart failure, and COPD are signs that your loved one may need close monitoring. Slow recovery times from illnesses can also be troubling signs.

Daily Activities – Having trouble with everyday activities such as bathing, getting dressed, remembering to take medications, cooking, shopping, and more are telltale signs.

Kitchen Related Signs

  • Stale or expired foods may indicate they are not paying attention or eating enough
  • Having multiples of the same item may be a sign they are having memory problems
  • Not cooking as much as they used to can mean they aren’t physically or mentally able to do so
  • Dry or cracked skin may be signs of dehydration
  • Noticeable weight loss can be due to many possible factors including depression, cancer, or difficulty cooking or eating
  • Noticeable weight gain may be a sign of dementia as your loved one may not remember eating so they might eat more often

Other Signs

  • Changes in hygiene may be due to dementia or depression
  • Changes in appearance including dirty clothes and unkempt hair
  • Abandoning hobbies and interests may be a sign of depression
  • Spending days without leaving the house might be due to inability to drive or weakness
  • Wandering around aimlessly
  • Not keeping up with mail and paying bills

If you think your loved one could benefit from assisted living, contact Elder Care Connection today at 914-908-6822 to schedule an in-home evaluation.

Elder Care